Thursday, March 21, 2013

Scotch and Gifting


Today was wonderful, it was as if I was a celeb, all thanks to the good exam results declared yesterday. The bottle of Black Dog Quintessence which Ms. Kayva presented me yesterday was sufficient to
Black Dog Scotch
Gift Case
open my day with extra large serve of optimism. The day on ends on a same note, all happies, all satisfied and all is well and every minute was fun. So, today I have a post on other gift options one has, when it comes to gifting alcohol.

Spirit: Black Dog is my favorite when it
Beer Glass
comes to Scotch and is quite well suited for gifting to your loved ones. A bottle of vodka , scotch  whisky, rum or a barrel of mead will be good for gifting

Buckets: A nice bucket, to store ice / wine will be great. Transparent Ice Buckets would be great. When it comes to wine bucket, consider using something made of steel, highly polished and shining in nature

Beer Glass
Flask: Have you forgot, how brandy was drunk from personalized flasks in the movies of yesteryear? Holding up to 5 ounces of drink, they were and are a symbol of status

Set of glasses: Be careful with them, for there are hundreds of glasses to choose from. The glasses you used to sip scotch are different from mugs in which beer is drunk. The same way, we have a different set of glasses for drinking shots, sipping scotch, gulping down beer, raising a toast of champagne, …

Ice Buck

Alcohol Case: Alcohol is the best gift. The bottle itself is quite a luxurious gift. If you
want to be extra polite, extra chivalristic then consider using a alcohol gift box. Something rich, made up of leather and a little velvet.

Wine Bucket

Am I missing something, what are the other alcohol based / alcohol

related gifts we can give other than the spirit itself?

Abhishek Boniapalli

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